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Things to consider when taking the certification exam for diving open water

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If you're planning to pursue a career in diving, you will most likely want to do so in an open water environment. Open water can simply be defined as unrestricted water. It can be the sea or a lake. The term "open waters" refers to the opposite of "confined water", which is where most diver training takes. Open water can be more difficult than confined waters. It requires high levels of fitness.

PADI Open Water certification

Open Water Diver is a recreational level autonomous diver certification. Although the course is called something else by different agencies, it is basically the same. All recreational diving agencies offer the same course. Some courses may require certifications or additional requirements. These are some important things to keep in mind as you decide which course is right. If you decide to take the course, the following will inform you about the certification process and the fees.

diving certification

Open water diving is a classification of a dive

Open water diving can be a popular choice for scuba divers. This type of diving involves diving far from the shorelines and any other obstructions. Open water dives are typically done in the ocean where maximum depths can reach 18m (59ft).

Course requirements

No matter what level of diving you're at, a scuba dive course will help get you there. You will learn basic swimming, mask clearing, and neutral buoyancy at various depths. Additionally, you will learn about air considerations and timings. These are crucial to a safe and enjoyable dive. A scuba diving course will help you become a more confident diver.

Certification exam

You've already completed your PADI Open Water Diver course and now want to take the Certification exam for diving open water. This exam is very simple, and the instructor can help you with any questions. You won't need to take the exam again if you score less than 75%. The key is to remember your theory, and don't make a mistake - the consequences of making a mistake can be devastating.

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Caribbean Sea Diving Training

There are many Caribbean Sea diving training programs. Although these courses can be taken at many locations, most involve one tank diving. Single tank dives cost an average of $65, and are typically very affordable. Equipment rental is also included. A certificate course costs approximately $105 and includes course material. Most Caribbean diving schools have their headquarters in the Dutch-speaking part of the island. A small English-speaking population is found on the island. This helps in teaching divers of any nationality.


Things to consider when taking the certification exam for diving open water